Starter quiz

  • Order the following parts of a narrative.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • What did Lila have to overcome during the build-up in Chapter 4 of 'The Firework-Maker's Daughter'?
    • a challenging climb up the Volcano of Merapi  ✓
    • an encounter with pirates
    • swimming through the green lake
  • What did Lila uncover the entrance to at the end of Chapter 4?
    • the King's palace
    • her father's workshop
    • the Grotto  ✓
  • What did Lila want to retrieve from the Grotto?
    • Hamlet the white elephant
    • the special ingredient for making fireworks  ✓
    • the magical water
  • What was Lila missing in order to protect her from the flames inside the Grotto?
    • a fire extinguisher
    • a firesuit
    • the magical water from the goddess  ✓
  • Who retrieved the magical water in an attempt to save Lila?
    • Razvani
    • Chulak  ✓
    • Lalchand