Starter quiz

  • Match the character from 'The Sheep-Pig' to their name.
    • sheepdog
      Fly ✓
    • piglet
      Babe ✓
    • lame sheep
      Ma ✓
  • What does Babe say he wants to become?
    • a sheepdog
    • a sheep-pig  ✓
    • a shepherd
  • What is wrong with Ma?
    • She has foot-rot.  ✓
    • She is too old.
    • She has a broken leg.
  • What is the name of a female sheep?
    • Ma
    • ewe  ✓
    • ram
    • sheep
  • What did Babe have a dream about?
    • sheep not listening to him  ✓
    • sheep doing exactly as he asked
    • ducks not listening to him
  • Order these events from the story 'The Sheep-Pig'.
    • 1
      Farmer Hogget guessed the weight of the pig correctly so he won the pig!
    • 2
      The piglet was put in the stables next to Fly and her puppies.
    • 3
      Fly looked after the piglet, who they named 'Babe'.
    • 4
      Farmer Hogget noticed that Babe was very obedient and copied everything Fly did.
    • 5
      Babe said that he wanted to become a sheep-pig.
    • 6
      Fly tried to teach Babe how to round the ducks.
    • 7
      Babe met a lame sheep called Ma, who he made friends with.