Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences is written in a perfect tense?
    • I have known him for years.  ✓
    • I knew him for years.
    • She played the piano for years.
    • She has played the piano for years.  ✓
  • Which of the following would always be found in a perfect tense sentence?
    • A past tense form of a main verb.  ✓
    • A main verb with an -ing suffix.
    • An auxiliary verb based on the infinitive 'to have'.  ✓
    • An auxiliary verb based on the infinitive 'to be'.
  • Match the sentences to the perfect tense used.
    • Perfect future
      I will have done it by then.  ✓
    • Perfect past
      I had done it already when you asked.  ✓
    • Perfect present
      I have done it already.  ✓
  • Tick the sentences that use the perfect present tense correctly.
    • Since I was four, I known Andeep.
    • I have known Andeep since I was four.  ✓
    • I known Andeep since I was four.
    • Since I was four, I have known Andeep.  ✓
  • Match the simple past tense verb to the correct past tense form of the verb that would be used in the perfect present tense.
    • saw
      seen ✓
    • ran
      run ✓
    • wrote
      written ✓
    • were
      been ✓
  • Choose the correct perfect present verb form to complete the gap: "Sam (to speak)__________ several times this lesson."
    • spoke
    • has spoke
    • has spoken  ✓
    • speaked