Starter quiz

  • Which word is the subject in this sentence? 'Aisha slammed the door loudly.'
    • the door
    • Aisha  ✓
    • loudly
    • slammed
  • Which word in this sentence is the object? 'The stars lit up the sky at night.'
    • The stars
    • lit up
    • the sky  ✓
    • at night
  • Tick the sentences that have an object.
    • She was drawing earlier.
    • She was drawing me.  ✓
    • She was drawing a lot.
    • She was drawing a picture.  ✓
  • How do we know this sentence is in the passive voice? 'The photo was taken by Sam.'
    • It contains the preposition 'by'.  ✓
    • The verb is 'done to' the subject.  ✓
    • The subject is doing the verb.
    • It includes an auxiliary verb from 'to be' along with a past tense main verb.  ✓
  • Tick all the passive voice sentences.
    • The thieves took some plants.
    • Some plants were taken by the thieves.  ✓
    • We were surprised by the noise.  ✓
    • The noise surprised us.
  • Which is the correct passive voice version of this active sentence? 'Lightning struck the lighthouse.'
    • Lightning was struck by the lighthouse.
    • The lighthouse was struck by lightning.  ✓
    • The lighthouse was being struck by lightning.
    • The lighthouse is being struck by lightning.