Starter quiz

  • Match these words to their root words.
    • courageous
      courage ✓
    • fabulous
      no obvious root word ✓
    • envious
      envy ✓
  • Match the words to the rules that apply when the suffix -ous is added.
    • hazard - hazardous
      Just add -ous. ✓
    • continue - continuous
      Remove the ‘e’, add -ous. ✓
    • fury - furious
      Remove the ‘y’, add -ious. ✓
    • glamour - glamorous
      Change ‘our’ to ‘or’, add -ous. ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I felt furyus that day and I didn't like it.'
    • furyus
    • furyous
    • furious  ✓
    • fureous
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in the following sentence: 'She is a curyus child.'
    • curyus
    • curyous
    • cureous
    • curious  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I dug up erth from the ground.'
    • erth
    • aerth
    • earth  ✓
    • earf
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in the following sentence: 'Which groop of children did you play with?'
    • groop
    • gruop
    • group  ✓
    • groope