Starter quiz

  • Add the most appropriate adjective from the list below to complete this sentence: 'The __________ wizard cast a spell on the king.'
    • scruffy
    • magical  ✓
    • overgrown
    • roaring
  • Match the correct form of the verb to each of the sentences.
    • tries
      Dad __________ to take an extra biscuit from the tin. ✓
    • are
      We __________ driving to Scotland this Saturday. ✓
    • crosses
      John __________ the bridge to get to work. ✓
    • teaches
      Carla __________ rock climbing at the sports centre. ✓
  • What is the adverb in this sentence: 'Mr Smith's special chocolates mysteriously disappeared.'
    • 'mysteriously' ✓
  • Which adjectives best fit the gap in this sentence to make a noun phrase: 'Saira intends to buy __________ house .'
    • a pink, high-heeled
    • extremely loud
    • a red-brick, small  ✓
    • broken, cracked
  • Which of these sentences contain adverbial phrases?
    • I like to play football at the weekends.  ✓
    • I eat apples and cheese.
    • I would choose chocolate over crisps.
    • My dad reads the newspaper very slowly.  ✓
  • Complete the sentences by matching the first part of the sentence with the adverbial detail.
    • She danced
      around the room. ✓
    • I whispered
      extremely quietly. ✓
    • James got wet
      whilst wading in the stream. ✓