Starter quiz

  • What is a fronted adverbial?
    • a sentence starter followed by a full stop
    • a sentence starter followed by a capital letter
    • a sentence starter followed by a comma  ✓
    • a sentence starter followed by a question mark
  • Order these according to the 'zoom-in' writing technique where a writer starts describing a broad idea and gradually narrows their writing to more specific descriptive details.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • When we write, we always try to do which of these things?
    • Warm up our body and legs.
    • Plan and say each sentence before we write it.  ✓
    • Sketch a picture of the character.
    • Write letters neatly on the line in joined handwriting.  ✓
    • Check and improve our writing when we think we have finished.  ✓
  • Which of these evoke the most vivid imagery?
    • sharp and stinging on the skin  ✓
    • under a tree
    • loud, thunderous boom  ✓
    • in the middle of the road
  • Match the present tense form of the word to its past tense form.
    • splatter
      splattered ✓
    • howl
      howled ✓
    • echo
      echoed ✓
    • take
      took ✓
    • is
      was ✓
  • Why is text flow an important element in writing?
    • It abruptly transitions between paragraphs and sections.
    • It makes it easier for readers to follow and understand the text.  ✓
    • Readers are more likely to forget information if the text flows well.
    • Readers are more likely to stay interested and involved in the content.  ✓