Starter quiz

  • What is the definition of an adjective?
    • a naming word for people, places or things
    • a word that describes a noun  ✓
    • a doing or being word
  • What is the correct definition of a noun?
    • a naming word for people, places or things  ✓
    • a word that describes a noun
    • a doing or being word
  • What is the definition of a verb?
    • a naming word for people, places or things
    • a word that describes a noun
    • a doing or being word  ✓
  • Match the correct word class to the example.
    • noun
      finger ✓
    • adjective
      spotty ✓
    • verb
      blow ✓
  • A synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word. Select the synonyms for 'cold'.
    • chilly  ✓
    • icy  ✓
    • sunny
    • bright
    • pouring
  • Word pairs are words that often appear together. Match the word pairs below that make the most sense.
    • starry
      night ✓
    • sunny
      morning ✓
    • strong
      wind ✓