Starter quiz

  • Who is the murder victim of 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery'?
    • James McCarthy
    • John Turner
    • Charles McCarthy  ✓
  • Who is the perpetrator in 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery'?
    • James McCarthy
    • John Turner  ✓
    • Alice Turner
  • Who is wrongfully convicted in 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery'?
    • James McCarthy  ✓
    • Alice Turner
    • Patience Moran
  • Who is the murder victim in 'The Speckled Band'?
    • Dr. Roylott
    • Percy Armitage
    • Julia Stoner  ✓
    • Helen Stoner
  • How was Charles McCarthy murdered in 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery'?
    • with a gun shot
    • being hit on the head with a rock  ✓
    • being bitten by a poisonous snake
  • How are the lines between victim and villain blurred in 'The Boscombe Valley Mystery'?
    • Charles McCarthy is the murder victim but has been a threatening presence too.  ✓
    • Charles McCarthy is the murder victim but also killed Turner's daughter.
    • Charles McCarthy is the murder victim and has suffered all his life.