Starter quiz

  • What is the first section of a newspaper article called?
    • Tail.
    • Opening.  ✓
    • Main body.
  • What information is included in the first section of a newspaper article?
    • Interview quote.
    • Background information.
    • Who, what, where, when, why of the event.  ✓
  • What comes after the opening in a newspaper article?
    • Headline.
    • Tail.
    • Main body.  ✓
  • What is not included in the main body of a newspaper article?
    • Witness information and quotes.
    • Background information.  ✓
    • How the event happened.
  • What is the last part of a newspaper article called?
    • Tagline.
    • Subheading.
    • Photograph.
    • Tail.  ✓
  • What is included in the last section of a newspaper article?
    • Key information to understand the event.
    • Witness information.
    • Background information.  ✓