Starter quiz

  • What is a newspaper article?
    • a piece of writing designed to inform the public on a recent event  ✓
    • a piece of writing to analyse an author's work
    • a piece of writing that you send to your friend with life updates
  • What is not a section of a newspaper article?
    • headline
    • tail
    • quotes  ✓
    • opening
    • main body
  • What happened to Roylott at the end of 'The Speckled Band'?
    • he was sent to prison
    • he died  ✓
    • he fainted
  • What killed Julia Stoner in 'The Speckled Band'?
    • A venomous snake bite  ✓
    • A vicious cheetah attack
    • A baboon bite
  • Why could the coroner report not accurately conclude the cause of Julia Stoner's death in 'The Speckled Band'?
    • the tests were unfamiliar with the venom of a swamp adder  ✓
    • there was only a small amount of poison in her body, so it went undetected
    • Roylott sabotaged the original reports
  • In 'The Speckled Band', how did Holmes feel about Roylott’s death?
    • remorseful
    • disappointed
    • indifferent  ✓