Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are synonyms for "taking a stand?"
    • asserting  ✓
    • protesting  ✓
    • denying
    • spoiling
  • What word begining with C means to examine similarities and differences?
    • 'compare' ✓
  • Match the elements on the left with the correct examples on the right.
    • personal experience
      an anecdote from your childhood or a story about your family. ✓
    • expert opinions
      an interview with an engineer or town planner ✓
    • formal politics
      a debate in the House of Commons ✓
  • Who was Aristotle?
    • 'an ancient Greek philosopher' ✓
  • What word beginning with "M" refers to an image or idea that is repeated across a text?
    • motif  ✓
    • metaphor
    • extended metaphor
    • murmur
  • What does it mean to say something is symbolic?
    • that it is different to something else
    • that it is the same as something else
    • that it represents a deeper thought or feeling  ✓
    • that it is controversial and causes lots of arguments