Starter quiz

  • 'Leave Taking' includes a number of characters who migrated to Britain from Jamaica. Why was there a mass migration movement to Britain after World War Two?
    • Britain's welcoming attitude towards migrants
    • the voyage to Britain was cheap and luxurious
    • Jamaica's economy was still suffering after centuries of colonisation  ✓
    • Britain's post war prosperity
    • employment - there was a post war labour shortage  ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid says that there are no opportunities in Jamaica. What reason does Brod give for this?
    • supernatural reasons
    • continuing effects of colonialism  ✓
    • poor climate
    • mass migration
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', why does Brod say he keeps his Jamaican passport up to date?
    • he wants to go on holiday to Jamaica
    • he was told to by Enid
    • he is shaken by his recent experience with the Home Office  ✓
    • it is a legal requirement to have a passport
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Mai that she sends letters to her family in Jamaica telling them 'how ______ things are over here'.
    • 'hard' ✓
  • Pinnock, in her introduction to 'Leave Taking', writes of her parents, 'My parents' generation had been ______ by a colonialist education that lionised [celebrated] all things British'.
    • 'indoctrinated' ✓
  • Pinnock's introduction to 'Leave Taking', reveals, 'Despite their [her parents] disappointment on entering a country that was often hostile [...] they didn't complain and rarely discussed the ______.'
    • 'hardships' ✓