Starter quiz

  • In Scenes One to Four of 'Leave Taking', what do we learn about Viv's experiences with education?
    • She is an academic student.  ✓
    • She doesn't work hard, so wants to rely on obeah to help her.
    • She is anxious about failing her exams.  ✓
    • Enid is very proud of her decision to go straight into the workforce.
    • Enid is very proud of her decision to go to university.  ✓
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Viv and Del meet Mai, an obeah woman for the first time. What are the differences between their responses to this character?
    • Del wants a reading; Viv doesn't.
    • Viv is interested in obeah; Del doesn't seem to be.  ✓
    • Del argues with Enid about the value of obeah; Viv doesn't.  ✓
    • Del is rude; Viv is not.  ✓
    • Del believes in her reading; Viv doesn't.
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Viv is eager for a reading from Mai, an obeah woman. Why is she keen for a reading?
    • She wants to know if her sister is pregnant.
    • She wants to know if Mai really did cause Miss Pannycook's car accident.
    • She wants to know where their father is.
    • She wants to become an obeah woman.
    • She wants to know what grades she might get in her exams.  ✓
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Enid brings both her daughters to see Mai, an obeah woman. Which daughter is she most concerned about and why?
    • Viv - Enid wants to know what exam results she will get.
    • Viv - Enid wants to know where she will go to university.
    • Del - Enid is worried about Del's social life about which she knows very little.  ✓
    • Del - Enid suspects Del is pregnant.  ✓
    • Del - Enid suspects Del wants to leave the family home and go to Jamaica.
  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking, what does Enid give Viv?
    • An item from Jamaica, left to Enid by her mother.
    • The address of the Pastor's house.
    • A ticket to Jamaica.
    • A large amount of money to help fund her university education.  ✓
    • A charm she stole from Mai to support her in her exams.
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Viv is frustrated by Del's relationship with Enid, asking Del, 'Why do you always have to ______ with her?'.
    • 'argue' ✓