Starter quiz

  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', what does Enid reveal about her final day in Jamaica before migrating to England?
    • Her mother told her not to leave.
    • She had to persuade her husband to join her.
    • Her sister asked her to take her with her.
    • Her mother refused to say goodbye to her.  ✓
    • She thought she was going to America.
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid and Del argue. Why is Del particularly angry with Enid?
    • Del is angry that Brod is visiting again; she considers him a drunk.
    • Del is jealous of the attention Viv gets from Enid.
    • Del doesn't like the fact her mother wants to go and see Mai again.
    • Del feels Enid is too focussed on the Pastor's visit.
    • Del feels Enid ignores the discrimination Black people face in England.  ✓
  • In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', how does Pinnock show that Del is becoming increasingly interested in obeah?
    • She questions Mai.  ✓
    • She buys various pieces of equipment. For example, cards.
    • She tells Viv she wants to visit the West Indies.
    • She watches Mai practicing certain rituals.  ✓
    • She dabs some of the love potion behind her ears when Mai isn't looking.  ✓
  • In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Enid describes Del as ' ______. Like she possessed.'
    • 'Angry' ✓
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid confides in Mai, telling her that she is worried about Del: 'I worry she a go ______ herself.'
    • 'destroy' ✓
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Mai wonders if there is 'some kinda curse that condemn our people to wander the earth like ______ who can't find rest.'
    • 'ghosts' ✓