Starter quiz

  • Over the course of Scene One to Six of 'Leave Taking', what do we learn about Enid's husband?
    • He sent Enid a ticket to migrate to Britain after saving for a full year.  ✓
    • He was jealous of Brod.
    • Viv has no memory of him.  ✓
    • He drank excessively.
    • He left the family when the girls were extremely young.  ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', we learn about a friend of Brod's who was subject to a racist attack. What effect did this have on him?
    • He left England.
    • He started drinking excessively.
    • His heart was broken.  ✓
    • He started suffering from very poor mental health.  ✓
    • He returned the attack.
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod asks Viv if she has heard of 'Nanny a the Maroons'. Who is Nanny of the Maroons?
    • a relative of Enid's from Jamaica
    • leader of the Jamaican Maroons  ✓
    • a member of the Windrush generation
    • a warrior who led formerly enslaved Africans against British colonialists  ✓
    • an obeah woman, like Mai  ✓
  • In Scene Three of 'Leave Taking', Enid expresses frustration with Brod, accusing him of spending 'half you life flat-out ______.'
    • 'drunk' ✓
  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Enid recalls a night with her husband when they had both decided they would migrate to England. She says, 'We sit by we self and ______ through the night.'
    • 'plan' ✓
  • In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Viv gives Del the money Enid gave her for her university education. She tells Del that Enid would want Del to have it because 'You're her ______.'
    • 'favourite' ✓