Starter quiz

  • Mai is one of the five characters in 'Leave Taking'. What do we know of Mai?
    • She wants to return to Jamaica.
    • She encourages Viv to go to the West Indies.
    • She is an obeah woman.  ✓
    • She migrated to England.  ✓
    • She has a son.  ✓
  • In 'Leave Taking', how does Mai describe obeah?
    • as a "way to make money"
    • as "science"  ✓
    • as a "calling"  ✓
    • as "voodoo"
    • as a "gift"  ✓
  • Match the scenes in which Mai appears in 'Leave Taking' to their plot points.
    • Scene One
      meets the Matthews family; Enid wants a reading ✓
    • Scene Five
      Del has moved in with her; Mai explains aspects of obeah ✓
    • Scene Six
      Gives Enid advice; tells Del about her son ✓
    • Scene Seven
      Brod passes out in her house ✓
    • Scene Eight
      Conducts Del's obeah exams; learns she is fatally ill ✓
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Enid reveals to Mai that she feels guilty about the way she raised her children. How does Mai feel about how she raised her son?
    • Like Enid, Mai feels guilty.
    • Mai says she knows her son feels at home anywhere so she is not worried.
    • Mai accepts how she brought up her son and why.  ✓
    • Mai wishes her son still lived with her and that she could ask him.
    • Mai feels guilty, but only tells Del, not Enid.
  • Mai is a character in 'Leave Taking'. Match her relationships with the other characters to their descriptions.
    • Mai and Enid
      client and consultant, but it seems to develop to friendship ✓
    • Mai and Del
      develops to one of trust and respect ✓
    • Mai and Viv
      distant, but Mai is a source of interest to this character ✓
    • Mai and Brod
      brief; they only meet in one scene ✓
  • In Scene Six of 'Leave Taking', Mai tells Del about her son and his desire to "escape" Britain where he doesn't feel at home. But, Mai tells Del, if "You at peace with yourself, you at home ______".
    • 'anywhere' ✓