Starter quiz

  • Viv is one of the five characters in 'Leave Taking'. What do we find out about her over the course of the play?
    • She is pregnant.
    • She is disillusioned with the education system.  ✓
    • She migrates to Jamaica.
    • She goes to university to pursue Black Studies.  ✓
    • She becomes a playwright.
  • Viv appears in five of 'Leave Taking's' eight scenes. Match her scenes to their plot points.
    • Scene One
      Attends an obeah reading with her mum and sister ✓
    • Scene Two
      Studies whilst her mum prepares for the Pastor's visit ✓
    • Scene Three
      Tells her mother she wants to take a gap year ✓
    • Scene Four
      Has a heart to heart with Enid following her mother's death ✓
    • Scene Five
      Tells Del she skipped one of her English exams ✓
  • In 'Leave Taking', Viv is presented as a very successful and academic student. Why, though, is she dissatisfied with her education?
    • She would rather be out partying.
    • She wants to go to school in Jamaica.
    • She can't see herself in the materials she is given in school.  ✓
    • School increases her sense of being out of place in Britain.  ✓
    • The work is too hard, which is why she skips one of her exams.
  • In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Viv complains to her mother that she spends "my life bent over books that have ______ to do with me."
    • 'nothing' ✓
  • In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Viv tells Del that she skipped one of her exams. One reason for doing this is, she says, "no matter how hard I search for myself in them books, I'm ______ there."
    • 'never' ✓
  • 'Leave Taking' is a play concerned with the idea of belonging. But it is also concerned with its opposite: the feeling of dislocation. What does dislocation mean?
    • A feeling of disloyalty.
    • A feeling of migration.
    • A feeling of being in the wrong place.  ✓
    • A feeling of unsettlement.  ✓
    • A feeling of being out of place.  ✓