Starter quiz

  • What do we find out about Enid's upbringing in Jamaica in Scene Four of 'Leave Taking'?
    • Her mother encouraged her to migrate
    • She grew up in rural poverty  ✓
    • Her uncle raised her
    • She was an obeah woman
    • Brod sent her the money so she could migrate
  • In her introduction to 'Leave Taking', Pinnock tells us about her parents. What do we find out about them?
    • They were overwhelmed by the welcome they got in England when they migrated
    • Her father encouraged her writing
    • They grew up in poverty in Jamaica  ✓
    • They divorced when Pinnock was little  ✓
    • They had been educated to think of Britain as a wonderful place  ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', whilst Brod criticises England, Enid maintains that "England been ______ to me".
    • 'good' ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid slaps Del during a fight. Enid justifies the slap saying, "People grow up in ______ think they can talk to you anyhow. Well, they can't."
    • 'England' ✓
  • In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid speaks of some of the sacrifices she has made for her children. She tells Del she works hard "so that you can dress like those children who have ______".
    • 'fathers' ✓
  • In Scene Eight of 'Leave Taking', Enid opens up to Del about some of her experiences in England saying, "You could work fifty years with people and they still don't know your name...You don't ______".
    • 'exist' ✓