Starter quiz

  • What is steam made from?
    • ice
    • water  ✓
    • oil
  • What does a sextant measure?
    • distance  ✓
    • time
    • speed
  • Which device on a ship is very similar to a clock or watch?
    • sextant
    • compass
    • chronometer  ✓
  • What new feature helped steamships move through the water?
    • sails
    • propeller  ✓
    • rudder
  • What else did steamships have that was useful on long journeys?
    • heating system  ✓
    • extra rooms
    • spare sails
  • Put the ships in the order in which they were invented, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4