Starter quiz

  • Which country is St. Patrick the patron saint of?
    • England
    • Ireland  ✓
    • Scotland
    • Wales
  • Where was the patron saint of Ireland born?
    • Britain  ✓
    • Ireland
    • France
    • Italy
  • Which animals did St. Patrick look after in Ireland as a teenager?
    • 'sheep' ✓
  • St. Patrick had a dream. What did he dream about?
    • a boat waiting for him  ✓
    • a horse waiting for him
    • a map showing him the way
  • Match the word to the correct defintion
    • Romans
      a group of people from Italy who took over lots of land ✓
    • Christian
      someone who follows the Christian religion, believing in God and Jesus ✓
    • raider
      someone who attacks people or places, often to steal  ✓
    • shepherd
      someone who herds and looks after sheep ✓
  • Put the events in St. Patrick's life in order.
    • 1
      St. Patrick was born in Britain.
    • 2
      St. Patrick was catured by raiders and taken to Ireland.
    • 3
      St. Patrick worked as a shepherd.
    • 4
      St. Patrick had a dream about a boat waiting for him.
    • 5
      St. Patrick sailed back to Britain.