Starter quiz

  • How long did the Ancient Greek civilisation approximately last for?
    • 900 years  ✓
    • 100 years
    • 1900 years
    • 90 years
  • Which of the below civilisations did Ancient Greece develop after?
    • the Roman civilisation
    • the Egyptian civilisation  ✓
    • the Mayan civilisation
    • the Aztec civilisation
  • What were the smaller states that developed in Ancient Greece called?
    • 'city-states' ✓
  • Complete the sentence. ______ was the largest city-state in Ancient Greece.
    • 'Athens' ✓
  • What was one of the reasons that made Athens one of the most important city-states?
    • its mountainous location
    • its land-locked location
    • its coastal location  ✓
    • its grassland location
  • In Ancient Greece, which group of people held the most public power and influence?
    • women
    • men  ✓
    • women and men
    • children