Starter quiz

  • Rome was founded on which river?
    • Thames
    • Tiber  ✓
    • Danube
    • Severn
  • According to the myth, who was the founder and first king of Rome?
    • Romulus  ✓
    • Remus
    • Julius Caesar
    • Alexander the Great
  • According to the myth, Romulus and Remus were the twin sons of princess Rhea Sylvia and...
    • Jupiter, the god of the sky and thunder
    • Neptune, the god of the sea
    • Mars, the god of war  ✓
  • How do we know that the myth of Romulus and how he founded Rome is not true?
    • Remus was the actual founder of Rome.
    • Myths are fictional stories that often feature gods and heroes.  ✓
    • The remains of Romulus and Remus have been discovered by archaeologists.
    • Archaeologists have found evidence that shows Rome grew over a long period.  ✓
  • CE refers to which time period?
    • the time from the year 1 onwards  ✓
    • the time after the year 0
    • the time before the year 1
    • the time before the year 0
  • BCE refers to which time period?
    • the time from the year 1 onwards
    • the time after the year 0
    • the time before the year 1  ✓
    • the time before the year 0