Starter quiz

  • According to Christians, who is the son of God?
    • Jesus  ✓
    • Joseph
    • Buddha
  • Match the abbreviation to its meaning.
    • BCE
      the period on a timeline before the year 1 ✓
    • CE
      the period on a timeline after the year 1 ✓
  • Who was the leader of the Roman Empire?
    • the king
    • the president
    • the prime minister
    • the emperor  ✓
  • Match the word to its meaning.
    • province
      a place controlled by Rome that was outside of Italy ✓
    • empire
      a large group of territories ruled over by an emperor ✓
    • country
      a land with borders that has one government ✓
    • city
      a place where many people live close together ✓
  • The Roman Empire became too big to rule and in 395 CE it was spit in two. The Eastern Roman Empire was also known as the __________ Empire.
    • Shang
    • Byzantine  ✓
    • Indus
    • Ottoman
  • Jupiter, Mars and Apollo are examples of Roman __________.
    • heroes
    • kings
    • gods  ✓
    • emperors