Starter quiz

  • What is the correct meaning of 'excavate' in history?
    • to design and build new structures
    • to use books and sources to study and learn about history
    • to remove earth carefully from an area to find buried remains  ✓
    • to draw or create maps of ancient places
  • What is the correct word to describe something in history that is protected from loss and damage?
    • peaty
    • preserved  ✓
    • organic
    • ancient
  • Match the archaeological method to the correct description.
    • aerial photography
      finding archaeological sites that are only visible from the air ✓
    • field walking
      finding artefacts brought to the surface through farming ✓
    • surveying
      finding underground archaeological sites  ✓
  • In what city did the Coppergate discovery happen?
    • 'York' ✓
  • What historical period were the artefacts found at Coppergate from?
    • The Roman era
    • The Medieval period
    • The Viking Age  ✓
    • The Stone Age
  • How many archaeological finds from the Viking period were discovered during the Coppergate excavation?
    • 400
    • 4000
    • 40, 000  ✓
    • none