Starter quiz

  • Which word describes numbers that are next to each other?
    • greater
    • adjacent  ✓
    • groups
    • factors
  • Which number on this number line is not a multiple of 4?
    Which number on this number line is not a multiple of 4?
    • '25' ✓
  • Which multiples of 4 are adjacent to 28?
    Which multiples of 4 are adjacent to 28?
    • 26
    • 30
    • 24  ✓
    • 32  ✓
  • A multiple of 4 is missing from the number line. How can we use the adjacent multiples in this example?
    A multiple of 4 is missing from the number line. How can we use the adjacent multiples in this example?
    • 48 - 4  ✓
    • 40 + 4  ✓
    • Count along the number line up to the missing number
  • Izzy knows that 13 × 4 = 52. She used the known fact of 12 × 3 = 48 and ______ 4.
    • added  ✓
    • subtracted
  • Using your knowledge of groups, order the calculations starting with the smallest multiple.
    • 1
      4 × 4
    • 2
      5 × 4
    • 3
      4 × 8
    • 4
      10 × 4