Starter quiz

  • Which addition calculation is represented by the base ten blocks?
    Which addition calculation is represented by the base ten blocks?
    • 34 + 35 =
    • 43 + 35 =  ✓
    • 43 + 53 =
    • 34 + 53 =
  • What is the missing sum in the column addition?
    What is the missing sum in the column addition?
    • '49' ✓
  • What is 340 + 100?
    • '440' ✓
  • What is 410 + 70?
    • '480' ✓
  • What is the missing number in the column addition?
    What is the missing number in the column addition?
    • '2' ✓
  • What is the missing addend in this column addition?
    What is the missing addend in this column addition?
    • '40' ✓