Starter quiz

  • Which number represents the whole in this bar model?
    Which number represents the whole in this bar model?
    • 15
    • 41
    • 51  ✓
    • 501
  • Subtract 20 from the number represented by the base ten blocks. What answer do you get?
    Subtract 20 from the number represented by the base ten blocks. What answer do you get?
    • '31' ✓
  • Which number represents the whole in this equation? 25 − 12 = 13
    • 25  ✓
    • 12
    • 13
  • Which number represents the whole in this equation? 20 = 42 − 22
    • '42' ✓
  • What is 87 − 40 = ______
    • '47' ✓
  • Match up the parts to the correct whole, using the bar model to help you.
    Match up the parts to the correct whole, using the bar model to help you.
    • 54 − 22 =
      32 ✓
    • 54 − 32 =
      22 ✓
    • 32 + 22 =
      54 ✓