Starter quiz

  • Which of these units should the mass of a pebble be measured in?
    • centimetres
    • metres
    • litres
    • grams  ✓
  • Look at the bar model. 100 is composed of five equal parts of <span class="blank">______</span>.
    Look at the bar model. 100 is composed of five equal parts of ______.
    • '20' ✓
  • Look at the scales. What is the mass of this box?
    Look at the scales. What is the mass of this box?
    • 120 g
    • 140 g  ✓
    • 150 g
  • Look at these scales. Which is showing the greater mass?
    Look at these scales. Which is showing the greater mass?
    • A
    • B  ✓
    • They both show the same mass.
  • Starting with the smallest mass, put the scales in order of the mass they are showing.
    Starting with the smallest mass, put the scales in order of the mass they are showing.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Look at these scales. What is the total mass of the orange and lemon?
    Look at these scales. What is the total mass of the orange and lemon?
    • 260 g
    • 270 g
    • 275 g  ✓