Starter quiz

  • What number is represented by the arrow on this section of the number line?
    What number is represented by the arrow on this section of the number line?
    • 40
    • 50  ✓
    • 60
  • Which of these are not 3-digit numbers?
    • 599
    • 1,000  ✓
    • 59  ✓
    • 109
  • What number is 10 less than 150?
    • '140' ✓
  • Which number is halfway between 50 and 70?
    Which number is halfway between 50 and 70?
    • '60' ✓
  • Which of these numbers come between 140 and 160?
    Which of these numbers come between 140 and 160?
    • 147  ✓
    • 165
    • 139
    • 154  ✓
  • What number is Andeep thinking of?
    What number is Andeep thinking of?
    • '110' ✓