Starter quiz

  • Two variables are inversely proportional if there is a ______ multiplicative relationship between one variable and the reciprocal of the other.
    • 'constant' ✓
  • Which of the following is a graph representing inverse proportion?
  • Which of the following situations illustrate an inversely proportional relationship?
    • The number of coaches needed for a school trip and the number of people.
    • The time taken to to paint a wall and the number of people painting.  ✓
    • The number of pounds and the number of dollars exchanged.
    • The time taken to drive to Liverpool and speed of the car.  ✓
    • Number of buckets needed to fill a paddling pool and the size of the buckets.  ✓
  • A and B are inversely proportional. The missing value is <span class="blank">______</span>.
    A and B are inversely proportional. The missing value is ______.
    • '21' ✓
  • A and B are inversely proportional. The missing value is <span class="blank">______</span>.
    A and B are inversely proportional. The missing value is ______.
    • '10' ✓
  • It takes 3 people 4 days to build a wall. It should take 2 people ______ days to build the same wall.
    • '6' ✓