Starter quiz

  • Air resistance is a type of ______ force.
    • 'friction' ✓
  • Match the type of force to the example.
    • air resistance
      the force between the surface of a flying bird and the air ✓
    • friction
      the force between moving roller skate wheels and the floor ✓
  • Scientists control all but <span class="blank">______</span> variable in a fair test investigation.
    Scientists control all but ______ variable in a fair test investigation.
    • 'one' ✓
  • What does air resistance do to moving objects?
    What does air resistance do to moving objects?
    • slow them down  ✓
    • speed them up
    • nothing
  • Match whether engineers would want to maximise or minimise air resistance to the correct situation:
    Match whether engineers would want to maximise or minimise air resistance to the correct situation:
    • maximise
      an aeroplane landing ✓
    • minimise
      an aeroplane taking off ✓
  • Which of these pictures shows the direction of air resistance correctly?
    • a.
    • b.
      b.  ✓
    • c.