Starter quiz

  • My skeleton is made from hard...
    • 'bones' ✓
  • Name the functions of your skeleton.
    Name the functions of your skeleton.
    • It keeps you warm.
    • It supports your body.  ✓
    • It protects your bones.
    • It protects your softer organs.  ✓
    • It helps you sense things.
  • Match the organs to the bones that protect them.
    • heart and lungs
      rib cage ✓
    • brain
      skull ✓
    • spinal cord
      spine ✓
  • Starting with the youngest, sort the life stages in to age order.
    Starting with the youngest, sort the life stages in to age order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • Plants and animals are living things and they all...
    Plants and animals are living things and they all...
    • make a noise
    • run around
    • sleep
    • grow  ✓
  • Which pieces of equipment would you use to measure length?
    • timer
    • thermometer
    • weighing scales
    • ruler  ✓
    • measuring jug