Starter quiz

  • What is the name of the equipment shown in the image?
    What is the name of the equipment shown in the image?
    • 'protractor' ✓
  • Mirrors are highly reflective and are sometimes used to deliberately <span class="blank">______</span> the direction that light travels.
    Mirrors are highly reflective and are sometimes used to deliberately ______ the direction that light travels.
    • 'change' ✓
  • What do you measure using a protractor?
    • length
    • mass
    • light
    • angles  ✓
  • What units are used to describe the size of angles?
    • kilograms
    • degrees  ✓
    • newtons
    • litres
    • degrees celsius
  • What angle is shown in this image?
    What angle is shown in this image?
    • 45°  ✓
    • 55°
    • 145°
    • 135°
  • How could you change the angle of reflected light?
    • change how the dark the room is
    • change the torch
    • change the angle the light hits the surface  ✓