Starter quiz

  • Which of these are types of weather?
    Which of these are types of weather?
    • rain  ✓
    • sun  ✓
    • umbrella
    • forecast
    • wind  ✓
  • Which of these materials would be most suitable to make a bench?
    Which of these materials would be most suitable to make a bench?
    • tissue paper
    • frosted glass
    • granite rock  ✓
    • corrugated cardboard
  • Read these descriptions. Which best describes the rock called chalk?
    Read these descriptions. Which best describes the rock called chalk?
    • I am hard, impermeable and good for writing with.
    • I am flexible, permeable and good for building houses.
    • I am rigid, crumbly and good for making statues.
    • I am soft, permeable and athletes use me to help them grip.  ✓
    • I am soft, permeable and useful for making ornaments.
  • Look at these results. Which of the questions below would you be able to answer if these were your results?
    Look at these results. Which of the questions below would you be able to answer if these were your results?
    • Which is the most attractive rock?
    • Which rock is permeable?
    • Which is the hardest rock?  ✓
    • Where do rocks come from?
    • Which rocks scratch easily?  ✓
  • When put in water, chalk and sandstone produced bubbles but marble and slate did not. Match the rocks to their permeability.
    • chalk and sandstone
      permeable ✓
    • marble and slate
      impermeable ✓
  • Look at this slate in a glass of water. It is a test for permeability. What does it show you about the permeability of slate?
    Look at this slate in a glass of water. It is a test for permeability. What does it show you about the permeability of slate?
    • Slate is permeable.
    • It doesn't show you anything. You can't tell anything by looking at it.
    • Slate is impermeable.  ✓