Starter quiz

  • Which of these materials is a gas?
    • milk
    • wood
    • carbon dioxide  ✓
    • flour
  • When a liquid fizzes and bubbles are formed, what is inside the bubbles?
    When a liquid fizzes and bubbles are formed, what is inside the bubbles?
    • nothing
    • more of the fizzing liquid
    • water
    • gas  ✓
  • All living things can reproduce. What does this mean?
    • they make more living things of the same type  ✓
    • they live together with living things of the same type
    • they hunt for food
    • they have a life cycle
  • What are micro-organisms?
    • living things that are too small to see with the naked eye  ✓
    • non-living things that can be found almost everywhere
    • pieces of equipment that we can use to look at very small things
    • incredibly small animals that can live inside other living things
  • What is a fair test enquiry?
    • an investigation where everyone gets a turn
    • an investigation carried out by reading secondary sources
    • an investigation where all variables but one are kept the same  ✓
    • an investigation that doesn’t use much equipment
  • Which of these statements about fungi are not correct?
    • All fungi are too small to be seen with the naked eye.  ✓
    • All fungi are living things.
    • All fungi need nutrition to grow and reproduce.
    • All fungi can grow.
    • All fungi are harmful to humans.  ✓