Starter quiz

  • What do we mean when we say we cannot see something with the naked eye?
    • we cannot see it using our eyes alone  ✓
    • it is completely invisible
    • it is too big to see all in one go
    • we cannot see it without wearing glasses
  • What does the prefix ‘micro’ mean?
    • very hot
    • very cold
    • very small  ✓
    • very big
  • All living things can ______, which means get bigger.
    • 'grow' ✓
  • Match the living thing to the correct group.
    • poppy
      flowering plant ✓
    • pincushion moss
      non-flowering plant ✓
    • spider
      invertebrate: arachnid ✓
    • fly
      invertebrate: insect ✓
    • gerbil
      vertebrate: mammal ✓
  • Which of these characteristics do all living things have?
    • they have camouflage to blend into their surroundings
    • they can reproduce more living things of their type  ✓
    • they need nutrition to survive  ✓
    • they are able to move  ✓
    • they are able to communicate with sounds
  • What is the structure of something?
    • how large it is
    • how the parts of its body are arranged  ✓
    • how it moves
    • how it finds its food