Starter quiz

  • Which of these living things are types of micro-organism?
  • Micro-organisms living in soil break down organic matter such as dead plants and animals. What are these types of micro-organisms called?
    • decomposers  ✓
    • composers
    • recyclers
    • bacteria
    • enrichers
  • Where can bacteria be found?
    • only inside or on living things
    • never inside or on living things
    • only in air or water
    • never in air or water
    • almost everywhere  ✓
  • Which statement about micro-organisms is correct?
    • All micro-organisms are harmful.
    • All micro-organisms are helpful.
    • Some micro-organisms are helpful and some are harmful.  ✓
  • A <span class="blank">______</span> is a piece of equipment that we can use to look at micro-organisms because they are too small to see with the naked eye.
    A ______ is a piece of equipment that we can use to look at micro-organisms because they are too small to see with the naked eye.
    • 'microscope' ✓
  • Mould is part of a group of micro-organisms called...
    Mould is part of a group of micro-organisms called...
    • 'fungi' ✓


  • Q1: Kateryna Kon/
